Start the week with our Jewish knowledge quiz
November 1, 2021 09:10ByThe JC
contains material not in the Etgar Handbook
1. How old was Yitzchak when Sarah died?
a. 37
b. 40
c. 70
d. 127
e. 180
2. Who was not buried in M’arat Hamachpelah?
a. Abraham
b. Sarah
c. Jacob
d. Leah
e. Rachel
3. How many books in Tanach come in two parts, aleph and bet?
a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four
e. five
4. Who destroyed the first Bet Hamikdash?
a. Persians
b. Babylonians
c. Greek
d. Romans
e. Marmelukes
5. What is the most popular snack in Israel?
a. Bamba
b. Apropo
c. Bissli
d. Krembo
e. Pesek Zman
6. What is the bracha for eating fish?
a. Shehakol
b. Al hamichyah
c. Borei pri ha’adamah
d. Birkat hamazon
e. Hamotzi
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Answers 1a, 2e, 3c, 4b, 5a, 6a