Family & Education

The Etgar Challenge May 12

Start the day with the Etgar quiz

May 11, 2020 16:35
1 min read

1.    _____ means “standing”, which is what we do during this tefillah.
a.    Amidah
b.    Aleinu
c.    Kriat Hatorah
d.    Neilah
e.    Hallel

2.    How many separate garments did the High Priest wear when he served in the Temple?
a.    four
b.    six
c.    eight
d.    12
e.    15

3.    Which poet, who escaped to Sweden from Nazi Germany, won a Nobel Prize for Literature in 1966?
a.    Nelly Sachs
b.    S. Y. Agnon
c.    Natan Alterman
d.    Primo Levi
e.    Else Lasker-Schüler

4. Which of the following books of Tanach is not said to be written by a King (in whole or in part)?
a. Tehillim
b. Kohelet
c. Song of Songs
d. Esther
e.  Mishlei

5.  The practice of leaving a part of the field for poor people to harvest is called:
a.    pe’ah
b.    leket
c.    ashirah
d.    chochmah
e.    hachnasat orchim

6.    Who sings Lifnei She’yigamer
a.    Arik Einstein

b.    Shlomo Artzi
c.    Idan Raichel
d.    Idan Amedi
e.    Ofra Haza

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 Answers 1a, 2c, 3a, 4d, 5a, 6c