d. Moshe Feinstein
e. Chafetz Chaim
2. On Friday nights, sons are traditionally blessed with the words “May God make you like...”
a. Reuven and Shimon
b. Moses and Aaron
c. Ephraim and Menashe
d. David and Jonathan
e. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
3. Who was Jethro’s son-in-law?
a. Moses
b. Aaron
c. Joshua
d. Caleb
e. Gershom
4. What is the Fourth Commandment?
a. don’t worship idols
b. honour your mother and father
c. don’t murder
d. remember Shabbat and keep it holy
e. don’t steal
5. My father and brother-in-law were priests, but my sons were not. Who am I?
a. Sarah
b. Tzipporah
c. Batya
d. Moshe
e. Itamar
6. How many members of the Knesset are there?
a. 72
b. 96
c. 120
d. 150
e. 180
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Answers: 1e, 2c, 3a, 4d, 5b, 6c