Test your knowledge with this week's quiz
October 18, 2020 11:301. On the fourth day of creation, God created:
a) fish and birds
b) land and plants
c) sun, moon and stars
d) animals and humans
e) the heavens
2. How old was Noach when he had children?
a) 18
b) 70
c) 120
d) 500
e) 969
3. Shortly after creation, who named all the animals?
a) God
b) the angels
c) Adam
d) Chava
e) Noach
4. In Tanach, which book follows Mishlei?
a) Tehillim
b) Daniel
c) Iyov
d) Esther
e) Divrei Hayamim
5. In which seder of the Mishnah would you find the laws of building an eruv?
a) Zeraim
b) Mo’ed
c) Nezikin
d) Kodashim
e) Taharot
6. Who was the president of the USA when the state of Israel was established?
a) Dwight Eisenhower
b) Franklin Roosevelt
c) Harry Truman
d) Woodrow Wilson
e) Richard Nixon
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Answers 1c, 2d, 3c, 4c, 5b, 6c