contains material not in the Etgar Handbook
December 7, 2020 10:111. The mitzvah that commands us not to gossip is the mitzvah of:
a. lashon hara
b. hachnasat orchim
c. bikur cholim
d. betzelem Elokim
e. pikuach nefesh
2. Which of the following people is not mentioned in Tanach?
a. Ruth
b. Yehoshua
c. Daniel
d. Akiva
e. Deborah
3. Jacob sends gifts to Esau when he returns after being away for many years. These gifts included which of the following?
a. jewellery
b. animals
c. silver
d. clothes
e. food
4. According to tradition, where is Rivka buried?
a. Hebron
b. Jerusalem
c. Tiberias
d. Beersheva
e. Nazereth
5. In medieval times, there were no Jews in
a. England
b. Egypt
c. Spain
d. Holland
e. Australia
6. Ilan Ramon’s space diary was recovered after the Columbia crashed. It contained:
a. a sketch of the earth
b. a song that he wrote
c. a picture of the Lubavitcher Rebbe
d. the Kiddush prayer
e. Shabbat candlesticks
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Answers 1a, 2d, 3b, 4a, 5e, 6d