Family & Education

The Erev Yom Kippur Etgar Challenge

Test your knowledge in this week's quiz

September 27, 2020 11:56
Whale B.png
1 min read

1.    In what year was the Yom Kippur War?
a.    1948
b.    1967
c.    1972
d.    1973
e.    1982

2.    What is the final event in the book of Jonah?
a.    the people of Nineveh repent
b.    Jonah returns to Israel
c.    the Jewish people repent
d.    the people from Jonah’s boat convert to Judaism
e.    Hashem explains to Jonah why He wanted to save Nineveh

3.Which of the following is not a prohibition of Yom Kippur?
a.    drinking
b.    washing
c.    wearing leather shoes
d.    wearing new clothes
e.    wearing perfume

4.    The 10 days from Rosh Hashanah until Yom Kippur are called the Ten Days of:
a.    Sadness
b.    Joy
c.    Repentance
d.    Forgiveness
e.    Judgement

5.    On which mountain did Moses die?
a.    Nebo
b.    Sinai
c.    Seir
d.    Hermon
e.    Carmel

6.    Which of these towns in Israel is not on the coast?
a.    Tel Aviv
b.    Beersheva
c.    Netanya
d.    Haifa
e.    Ashdod


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Answers 1d, 2e, 3d, 4c, 5a, 6b