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Ten years on, popular JCoSS looks to expand

The school's birthday celebrations may have been hampered by the pandemic, but headteacher Patrick Moriarty is not too disappointed

October 8, 2020 09:10
PMO office

BySimon Rocker, simon rocker

6 min read

The parties and concert that were planned may have to wait another year. But the headteacher of JCoSS, Patrick Moriarty, is not too disappointed by the Covid-enforced curtailment of its 10th anniversary celebrations.

After all, he points out, a Jewish school can still mark its bar/batzmitzvah and some of the events may be able to go ahead in future.

In a decade, JCoSS has become an established part of the Jewish school set-up in London, so much so that it is easy to forget that the first cross-communal secondary was a radical idea when first mooted.

Originally, the plan had been to open it in Hertfordshire. But the Orthodox Yavneh College got there first. When JCoSS was then proposed for East Barnet, some wondered whether another Jewish comprehensive in the capital was needed, let alone one with a pluralistic religious outlook.