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Susan Reuben: Going bananas, thanks a bunch

Susan Reuben crowd-sourced a subject for her column this week. The exercise proved fruitful.

February 8, 2018 16:41
Yes, we have some bananas
3 min read

When I was at primary school, I had a teacher who either hated children, was on a huge power trip, or probably both. During lunch, she would force the entire school to sit and eat in total silence. Anyone who made a sound, she declared, would have to write an essay about the inside of a ping-pong ball.

She chose this particular essay topic as a punishment because it’s so difficult to find anything to say about the interior of a white, featureless sphere. I remember thinking, though, that I’d quite like to give it a go. It seemed like it could be an interesting challenge.

There was never any chance of me actually having to do so — I was far too scared of the teacher to utter a word during lunch. But I’ve thought since about the general concept of having to write on a topic of someone else’s choosing. So this week, I asked my Facebook friends each to put forward a single word as a subject for a column, out of which I would select one.

Most of the words submitted represented abstract ideas rather than physical objects, with “consequences”, “hypocrisy” and “serendipity” all appearing twice.