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Family & Education

Siblings of children with disability 'more empathetic', Israeli study suggests

Scientists looked at 11-year-old twins in Israel in carrying out research

March 5, 2022 18:39
Small group of children having good time at jungle gym and talking.
1 min read

Growing up alongside a sibling with a disability may lead to a greater ability to understand other people’s thoughts and feelings, according to Israeli researchers. 

The findings arise from looking at 1,657 families with twins in Israel.
Among them were 63 sets of twins where one child had a disability and the other did not. 

The team sent questionnaires to this group, and to 404 families with twins developing typically.

The children being studied were 11 years old. They were asked to carry out a computerised task to assess their capacity for "prosocial behaviour", meaning behaving in a positive way to help others.

