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Second Chasidic school in a week achieves good Ofsted

Beis Malka School for girls in Stamford Hill is praised for its ambitious curriculum

March 4, 2020 08:44
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1 min read

An independent Charedi school has earned a good rating from Ofsted, for the second time within a week.

After the success of Talmud Torah Tiferes Shlomo school for boys in Hendon, Beis Malka for girls in Stamford Hill has retained its good status from three years ago.

While most of Beis Malka’s 583 girls aged from two to 16 started school speaking only Yiddish, they “got better and better” at English as they moved through the school, reflecting the emphasis on “teaching pupils to read English fluently,” Ofsted noted.

The ambitious and well-planned curriculum, which included science, history and geography, enabled pupils to reach “high standards” at GCSE.