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Schools report: Ofsted changes offer little respite for Charedi sector

The inspection service has launched a consultation on its new report card scheme for schools

February 16, 2025 11:18
Ofsted report card.png
Inspection chart - what Ofsted's new report card will look like
2 min read

Last week Ofsted unveiled its proposals for a new inspection system, just over two years after the suicide of primary headteacher Ruth Perry, whose school was downgraded from outstanding to inadequate, led to clamour for reform.

The contentious single-word headline grades have already gone for state schools (they will remain for independent schools until the new system is introduced in autumn).

But the inspectorate believes the new report card scheme will give parents a better picture of how their children’s school is performing. Currently, inspectors assign one of four grades - outstanding, good, requires improvement or inadequate - in four educational areas.

This will be replaced by five ratings - exemplary, strong, secure, attention needed or causing concern - with eight areas now to be marked, from curriculum to inclusion (of children with special educational needs). Safeguarding won’t be graded but judged as either meeting required standards or not. A colour-coded chart should make it easier for parents to see the school’s strengths and weaknesses at a glance.