Family & Education

Schools announce GCSE records

Heads delighted by 'exceptional' performances by students

August 24, 2017 08:11
Double take of elation as both girls gained a 9 in Maths, Coco Hinde (R)  gained 4As and 2 A*.... Rebecca Harris (L) also achieved 2 8, 5A* and 3As.....both 16 years old.
4 min read

Tougher GCSEs have presented no obstacle to Jewish schools with several announcing record results in a year of change.

At the private Immanuel College , 45 per cent of all exams were passed at A*, while 70 per cent were A or above.

One in six Immanuel students achieved nine or more A* grades, while 98 per cent reached the national benchmark of 5 or more GCSEs including English and maths passed at A* to C.

Gary Griffin, incoming headmaster, said he was “absolutely delighted to discover such an outstanding set of GCSE results, which are the best in the history of the college.”

As Immanuel students take IGCSEs in English and maths, they still receive A* to G grades rather than the new 9 to 1 which have been introduced for GCSEs in these subjects this year.

Nearly a third of year-10 students sat maths a year earlier and achieved an A*.

The average grade in year 11 was an A.

Omer Elchanan was Immanuel’s top performer with 12 A*s, followed by Simone Baskir, Toby Boyne, Emily Pearlman and Tom Mazin, 11 A*s; and Alfie Futerman and Jo-Jo Sugarman, 10 A*s and an A.

Deborah Lipkin, executive headteacher at JFS, and her leadership team saluted “outstanding “ GCSE results to follow last week’s A-level records.

“Record GCSE results, alongside record A-level results, reflect the exceptional educational provision on offer at JFS and further cement our position as one of the leading non-selective schools in the country,” they said.  

“We are deeply proud of our students and these impressive grades reflect the high degree of resilience, commitment and hard work by students and staff. 

In maths, 42 students – 15 per cent – achieved the new top 9 grade, while 38 students – 13.5 per cent – did so in English – compared with the national figure of just under three per cent.

The 94 per cent pass rate at grades 9 to 4 in English and 92 per cent in maths were improvements on last year’s performance.

Over a third of students, 98, achieved A or above in at least eight subjects with 52 per cent at grade A and 7 or above (under the new grading system, 7 is equivalent to an A).

Ninety-two per cent of entries were at A* to C or 9 to 4.

Joshua Korber-Hoffman notched up a remarkable 10A*s and three 9s, with Benjamin Moss close behind with 10A*s and two 9s.

Other JFS high-fliers included Avigail Harris, nine A*s and two 9s; Jacob Cowland, Nadav Grunberg, Matan Keidar, Rafi Levy and James Onona, nine A*s and one 9; Samuel Bass, Ilana Cantor, Lola Sofer-Yadgaroff,  eight A*s and two 9s; Ariel Flint Ashery, Rebecca Harounoff and Maya Robinson eigh t A*s and one 9; Joe Rowan and Josh Wise,  seven A*s and three 9s; and Tali Shear, seven A*s and two 9s.

At JCoSS, the 85.5 per cent who passed five or more GCSEs including English and maths at A* C or 9 to 4, was its highest proportion.

Well over a quarter of students at the cross-communal school achieved at least eight GCSEs at A/7 or above. Overall, 43 per cent of grades were A/7 or above.

The “Progress 8” score – which is used by the government to measure how far children have advanced academically given their ability on entry -  was the school’s highest ever.

In English, where one in ten earned the new top grade 9, the school added on average an extra grade to every student from what might have predicted at the start of their school career.

The star performers were Noam Solomons-Wise and Antonia Salem, each with nine A*s and two 9s: Nuri Murad and Gil Krikler, nine A*s, a 9 and an 8: Gaby Vides seven A*s, two 9s and two As; and Sam Lachmann nine A*s and two 8s.

Headteacher Patrick Moriarty said, “We are delighted by another set of fabulous results.”

At King Solomon High School, headteacher Matthew Slater said he was “so proud and delighted we have maintained our amazing success. The staff, students, parents, governors and the entire community have committed to the success of the school.”

Students have performed above expectation and more than three-quarters achieved  good passes in English and maths.

Leading the pack for Jewish students at the school was Aimee Cohen with three 9s, six A*s and two As.

Andrew McClusky, executive head of Hasmonean High School, said it was “wonderful to see both our brightest students and those who find academic study more challenging all achieve outstanding results.”

Among year 11 students, 60 per cent of passes were at A or 7 or above, while 41 per cent of students gained at least eight GCSEs at A or 7 or above.

The figure for students gaining at least five passes including English and maths at C or 4 and above was 85 per cent.

The school said the results continued “a trend now in its seventh year and has broken our record for attainment in recent years”.

Hasmo heroes and heroines included Daniel Mann with nine A*s and three 9s: Chloe Gold with eight A*s and three 9s: and Sharoni Blass with eight A*s, two 9s, one 8 and an A.

Joshua Rowe, chairman of governors at King David High School Manchester, said he was “extremely proud”  of  all pupils’ achievements. “For many of our pupils, achieving B grades is as great an achievement as for other pupils achieving A*s,” he added.

More than 90 per cent of pupils achieved at least five GCSEs at A* to C, or 9 to 4, including English and maths: 52 per cent were at A or above: and a quarter at A*s or above.

The top performers were Florence Conway 9 A*s and two nines; Oliver Jones and Jacob Seitler eight A*s, two 9s and a B; and Ariel Kaminsky eight A*s, one 9, two As and a B.

More than a third of passes, 36 per cent, at Yavneh College in Hertfordshire were at A, A* or 7 and above.

“Examinations are getting even harder than in previous years,” said the college’s executive headteacher Spencer Lewis. “What is certain is that Yavneh pupils have worked extremely hard and have done exceptionally well.”

Alex Harris returned 7A*s, two 9s and an 8; Leah Valins, 6A*s, a 9, two 8s and an A; and Zak Kaufman 6A*s, three 8s and an A.

More than three-quarters of students, 77.5 per cent, at King David High School Liverpool achieved at least five GCSE including English and maths at grade C or 4 above.

Eleven per cent passed at least seven exams at grade A or above.

The school’s leading Jewish students were Hannah Ging with one 9, two 8s, four A*s and three A and Rachil Dogolazky with seven A*s, one 9 and an A.