Redbridge Synagogue held an art contest for local schools for ShabbatUK
March 8, 2019 10:36Redbridge schoolchildren were encouraged to take an artistic look at Shabbat by a competition run by a local synagogue.
Children from Wohl Ilford and Clore Tikva Primaries were set the creative challenge by Redbridge Synagogue as part of this year’s Shabbat UK celebration.
The best pictures were collected in a Kabbalat Shabbat booklet distributed to local congregations, while the winning painters were announced at a special kiddush at the synagogue on Shabbat UK last weekend.
Rabbi Steven Dansky, of Redbridge Synagogue, said, “The idea of Jewish children creating art depicting Shabbat is very exciting and special, because it inspires children to think in a completely different way about this unique day.”
The children were asked by their schools to produce creative work about concepts such as the Shabbat Queen, or the angels who accompany people on their way home on Friday night.
“It turns the Shabbat day into something that inspires the imagination and helps children to understand the concepts and specialness of the day,” he said.
The winners were Wohl Ilford’s Poppy Harris, Libby Wohlman and Nathan Kolever, and Harry Gladstone from Clore Tikva.