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Record Oxbridge offers for JCoSS

Applicants to Oxford, Cambridge and medical school are benefiting from a sixth-form enrichment programme

January 17, 2019 15:21
photo: John Rifkin
1 min read

JCoSS, the cross-communal Jewish secondary school in Barnet, is celebrating a record number of 13 Oxbridge offers for sixth form pupils, more than double the offers it received from Oxford and Cambridge Universities last year.

Around ten per cent of the relevant year group at JCoSS have been offered an Oxbridge place, in courses ranging from natural sciences, engineering, maths, music, law and philosophy, if they get the right A-level grades this summer.

Last year four of the six JCoSS pupils offered a place at Oxford and Cambridge successfully secured it; the previous year, two pupils were successful.

The school, which opened in 2010 and opened a sixth form two years later, attributes the increased offers to its revamped scholars’ programme designed for potential applicants to Oxbridge or medical school.