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Our eye-opening trip to Geneva

The winners of a social enterprise competition for schools were taken to the city of international activism

September 8, 2022 08:53
Young Social Enterprise
2 min read

Last week, I was one of six lucky 17-year-olds who embarked on a trip to Geneva, which included a visit to the UN office, as a prize for winning the Young Social Enterprise (YSE) competition.

This annual competition involves participants devising a social enterprise scheme in response to challenges faced in marginalised communities. We pitched our idea to the Chief Rabbi and a panel of industry experts who selected us for this once-in-a-life-time opportunity.

The Swiss city is often known as “international Geneva” owing to its abundance of inter-governmental organisations, NGOs and permanent missions. This was a focus of the trip, with a visit to the Red Cross Museum and a private tour of the UN. While the work of both institutions is inspirational, we remained critical of their flaws, particularly regarding our own community.

The Red Cross Museum featured information about what it deems its “moral failure” — not stepping up to our need during the Holocaust, despite their sworn mission being to help anyone in crisis. While it was reassuring that the organisation had learnt from its error, proven by their work connecting missing children to their parents during the Rwandan genocide, it was still a reminder that the Jewish community ultimately can only depend on itself in times of need.