Inspectors find significant improvements at previously struggling Yeshivah Ketanah
February 16, 2024 10:33BySimon Rocker, Simon Rocker
Ofsted has noted progress at a Lubavitch secondary school for boys which has previously struggled with inspections in recent years.
The independent Lubavitch Yeshivah Ketanah in North-West London, which teaches 29 boys from 13 to 16, was branded inadequate on its past two visits.
But the school has now been upgraded to a school that “requires improvement” and was classed as good in two areas.
Rabbi Yehuda Pink, on behalf of the governors, observing that the school had previoously been put in special measures, said, “Due to the dedication and massive investment of time and effort by the headteacher, Rabbi Moshe Zavdi, and head of chol (secular studies), Rabbi Moshe Sufrin, assisted by a dedicated team of governors, the school has made big strides.
“Most significantly we have now been found to be meeting all the government standards for independent schools. The Ofsted Inspector made particular mention in his report of the positive progress made.”
He added, “We still have work to do to ensure that on the next inspection we move up another grade to good but as the report notes the foundation for continued improvement has been laid and we are determined to build on those foundations and continue to move forward.”
Pupils enjoyed coming to school and were encouraged to be “inquisitive, respectful and well-mannered,” Ofsted reported. The atmosphere was “calm and purposeful.”
The school’s leadership had “worked hard to improve and extend the secular curriculum significantly since the previous inspection”.
Pupils studied “a broader range of subject than in the past, including creative media, computing and geography. Leaders have recruited new teachers with specialist subject knowledge and invested in a range of new learning resources.”
They read fluently and enthusiastically. However, although they were studying English and maths GCSE courses, plans had yet to be made to enter them for exams, the inspectorate noted.
“Many improvements are relatively new and systems for ensuring quality and consistency are not embedded,” Ofsted reported.
Pupils were prepared for life in modern programme through a suitable PHSE programme (personal, health,social and economic education), inspectors found. And they enjoyed extra-curricular activities such as sports, singing and trips.