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Ofsted head writes to JC to answer criticism

Amanda Spielman has responded to accusations of publicly humiliating a Strictly Orthodox school

May 3, 2020 16:57
1 min read

Ofsted chief inspector Amanda Spielman has written to the JC to deny that she publicly humiliated a Strictly Orthodox school.

The Ofsted head was quizzed on her attitude towards the state-aided Yesodey Hatorah Senior Girls School in Stamford Hill by the parliamentary education select committee last week.

But following her appearance, Eli Spitzer, the head of another Charedi school, took her to task in a JC blog, describing her treatment of Yesodey Hatorah as  "public humiliation” and saying it had been “unfairly hounded” by her repeated references to it over the past two years.

In her letter, Mrs Spielman said she had been “saddened” by Mr Spitzer’s accusation.