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Ofsted backs expansion of Stamford Hill school that includes 'references' to LGBT in its curriculum

Talmud Torah London's plan to add secondary classes had previously been blocked by the authorities

July 19, 2022 08:13
1 min read

Ofsted has backed the planned expansion of a Strictly Orthodox boys’ school in Stamford Hill after inspectors said its relationship and sex education curriculum included references to “sexual orientation and transgender”.

The Department of Education had blocked Talmud Torah London’s wish to add classes for 12 and 13-year olds when Ofsted previously reported that leaders of the school had confirmed they had “no intention of ever referencing those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender as part of PSHE [personal, social, health and economic] education or relationships education”.

But in a follow-up visit, Ofsted has now approved its arrangements for PHSE and said it would be likely to meet the relevant standards for independent schools.

According to current regulations, schools are required to discuss LGBT awareness with pupils before the end of their secondary education.