Family & Education

New group launched for early years teachers

The Jewish Early Years Forum plans training for staff

July 20, 2018 12:50
Front row furthest right: Helen Style, co-founder of Jewish Early Years Forum, and head of Yeladenu pre-school in Muswell Hill, shown here with Yeladenu mums who raised £6,000 from a mud run
1 min read

A new group has been set up to provide training and advice for early years teachers.

The Jewish Early Years Forum has been launched by Miriam Schajer, former head of Yavneh Nursery in Woodside Park, and by Helen Style, head of Yeladenu Pre-school in Muswell Hill.

“For some time there has been no support offered to Jewish Early Years practitioners,” they said. “Foundation stage education is the Cinderella of our education system with little if any recognition of the important work being done.”

Membership of the group will be open to early years managers and deputies.

“We would like to bring in professionals to offer training, for example on mental health in the early years, autism, domestic violence” they said.

The group “will also provide a place for confidential talks — whether on behavioural issues, admin or 

Mrs Style added: “We know there are girls who come from sem and go into teaching but are not yet trained in how to teach Kodesh [Jewish studies] properly as well as non-Jewish staff who may wish to understand more about the non-secular side of the curriculum. We have amazing staff who can provide that training.”