Family & Education

Mosaic a 'wonderful example of inclusive faith school'

Former Education Secretary Justine Greening is impressed by a visit to South London's only Jewish school

March 19, 2018 09:24
Justine Greening and Reception child.JPG
1 min read

Local MP Justine Greening has opened the new art, design and technology room at South London’s only Jewish school, Mosaic.

David Kellin, chairman of the cross-communal school in Roehampton, was grateful to those who had helped to create the “cutting-edge” resource which was “unusual” in a primary.

Ms Greening, who until recently was Education Secretary, was treated to a presentation from the Torah team, the year-four group responsible for the weekly “welcome to Shabbat” programme.

Ms Greening said “I now understand a great deal about Shabbat and how you celebrate it as a community. It is really exciting to see children of all faiths sharing and learning together. Mosaic is a wonderful example of a successful and inclusive faith school.”