Family & Education

Manchester school earns top grade in Jewish studies

King David Primary is ranked outstanding for its Jewish studies programme

May 1, 2018 10:11
JS staff at King David Primary
1 min read

King David Primary School Manchester has been ranked outstanding for Jewish studies by Pikuach, the Board of Deputies-run inspection service.

Both King David Primary and High Schools have now attained outstanding status for both their Jewish and secular curriculum.

The “high priority” attached to Hebrew reading has paid dividends with inspectors impressed with what they saw. “Readers were confident, could read unprepared texts from the siddur and Chumash and were able to translate parts of texts into English,” Pikuach reported.

“When asked how they read so well, one pupil responded: “Because at school we learn the rules of Hebrew reading early on and we continue to learn them throughout the school.” 

Rating the Jewish programme outstanding in every category, inspectors noted the headteacher and new head of Jewish studies, who took up her position only a year and a half ago, had both worked hard to make improvements.

King David provided “memorable experiences and rich opportunities for high-quality learning”.

When a pupil commented: “‘I didn’t know anything about Judaism before I came, but we’ve all learnt a lot since we’ve been here,’ all pupils agreed.”