Family & Education

Lubavitch girls primary rated good by Ofsted

Inspectors happy with progress at the Ruth Lunzer primary school in Stamford Hill

July 28, 2017 14:26
Shining brightly: a menorah made by Ruth Lunzer girls
1 min read

The Lubavitch junior girls’ school in Stamford Hill has maintained its status as good school after a fresh inspection from Ofsted.

Esther Kesselman, acting headteacher for the past nine months at the state-aided Lubavitch Ruth Lunzer Primay School, was told that pupils were making “faster progress”.

The school first earned a good rating from inspectors in 2013.

“Staff and pupils are welcoming and are clearly proud of their school," Ofsted reported after the latest visit. “Staff are positive role models to pupils and demonstrate the values of tolerance and respect for others.”

Pupils behaved well, showed high levels of confidence and were keen to talk about their work.

The ablest pupils were making accelerated progress in maths, although the brightest in English needed more challenging books, Ofsted said.

Previously low attendance had improved to the point where it was now close to the national average.