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Kisharon Noé pupils receive prestigious prize for young people

Four pupils were honoured with a Jack Petchey award

July 26, 2024 12:13
Kisharon Noé School pupil Charlie receiving a Jack Petchey award from the Mayor of Barnet, Councillor Tony Vourou
Kisharon Noé School pupil Charlie receiving his Jack Petchey award from the Mayor of Barnet, Councillor Tony Vourou
1 min read

A Jewish school for children with educational needs has announced that four of its pupils have received prestigious awards recognising the achievements of young people.

The students, all of whom attend the Kisharon Noé School in Hendon, have each been presented with a Jack Petchey award to celebrate their “remarkable accomplishments”, said the school.

Pupils Charlie, Joe, Sophia and Ibri were given their awards by the Mayor of Barnet, Councillor Tony Vourou, at a  ceremony at the Arts Depot in Finchley, north London.

Eitan Cohn, head of Kodesh (Jewish studies), said: "This is the first year we have entered for the awards, and we are delighted. We are very proud of our pupils who achieve so much and so pleased that their efforts and achievements have been recognised by others as well.