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JSocs get a dream start at freshers' week

University Jewish Socities have recruited hundereds of new members

October 8, 2009 11:59
Rabbi Gavin Broder, London student chaplain, with UCL JSoc members

ByMarcus Dysch, Marcus Dysch

2 min read

University Jewish Societies have enjoyed a successful start to the academic year, with hundreds of new members taking part in Freshers’ Week events across the country.

In Leeds, JSoc members were treated to their own unique Freshers Fair, offering them a chance to sign up to almost a dozen other Jewish student groups including Chabad, Aish, JLE and Tribe.

Fresher events included a barbecue attended by 160 students, a Shabbat meal at the new Hillel student centre and a drinks night.

President Daniel Grabiner said more than 100 people had joined JSoc in the first week of term, with that number likely to double in the coming weeks.