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JFS chair of governors steps down

Schools says Ruth Renton is relinquishing role to focus on her career as a lawyer and to spend more time with her family

April 4, 2017 17:14
Ruth Renton
1 min read

Ruth Renton, the JFS chair of governors has stepped down as from the role - to give full attention to her professional career as an employment lawyer.

Mrs Renton, a former head girl at the north-west London School, had been involved with the governing body for four years.

A email to parents on Tuesday said:” It is with sincere regret that we share with you that our Chair of Governors, Mrs Ruth Renton has stepped down as Chair.

“Ruth stepped into the role at a time of great challenge for JFS and has successfully overseen our return to a ‘Good’ Ofsted grading. She has given of her time and extensive expertise tirelessly and we owe her a great debt of gratitude for all that she has done.