New policy will allow a more balanced view of school performance
September 18, 2024 14:58Pikuach, the Board of Deputies-run inspection service for Jewish studies, has stopped using single grades to classify schools’ overall performance.
This will bring it into line with Ofsted, which has also ditched headline grades for inspections.
Janine Rose, Pikuach’s executive director, said that following a review last year it was decided to “remove the overall effectiveness grade” from this September.
The change would ensures that the three key elements of the report — on quality of Jewish education, Jewish personal and spiritual development, and leadership and management — “all receive the full attention they deserves, rather than being overshadowed by a single overarching grade,” she said
“We hope the removal of the overall effectiveness grade allows schools to focus on actionable insights within the three graded areas to take specific steps to address areas needing improvement, while continuing to build on their strengths. This can contribute to more effective school development plans.”
Removing the headline grade ensures that “all aspects of a school's Jewish learning and life are equally valued, fostering a more balanced focus and holistic view of what the school offers and how the leadership and management achieve it,” she said.
It was, she added, “very positive to see that Ofsted have since announced that they are also removing a single grade inspection”.