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Jewish education needs post-Covid investment, says new report

Funders should be willing to 'take risks' to encourage innovation

June 20, 2022 11:35
2 min read

Greater investment in Jewish education should be a communal priority over the next decade and philanthropists should be willing to “take risks” with funding to encourage innovation, according to a new report published this week.

The Future of Jewish Education in the UK has produced a series of recommendations including the need for lower cost “immersive” programmes such as camps and Israel tours.

The report is the work of more than 70 educators from across the denominational spectrum and from across the informal and formal education sectors, who have met in a number of working groups over the past six months convened by the London School of Jewish Studies and UJIA.

“Jewish education is at a critical juncture,” states the report, which has been compiled by co-head of teacher training at LSJS Helena Miller.