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JCoSS ranked outstanding for Jewish studies

Promotion of Jewish values is an 'example' to other schools, say Pikuach inspectors

June 6, 2023 15:47
1 min read

JCoSS has retained its outstanding rating for Jewish studies with inspectors from the Board of Deputies Pikuach service enthusing over its inculcation of Jewish values.

 Students know “what it is to be a mensch (a decent person of integrity, morality, fair, modest and humble in one’s dealings with others)… showing outstanding behaviour, concern for others and a wish to give back to the school community,” its latest inspection report said.

 The “ambitious and varied” formal and informal Jewish curricula offered “memorable experiences and rich opportunities,” Pikuach said.

 “The way the school goes about developing students’ Jewish character and values is exemplary and is worthy of being disseminated widely as an example to other schools,” it said.