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I've left the single market

The wedding is over - and our columnist is happy, elated and relieved

November 21, 2019 10:45
The happy couple
3 min read

A couple of weeks ago, I got married. At a beautiful ceremony in North West London, surrounded by many of our nearest and dearest, I put a ring on the finger of my bride, according to the laws of Moses, Israel and Beyoncé. As I said in my speech that evening, to a mixture of cheers and groans, unlike Britain, we had both unequivocally opted to leave the Single Market.

Now the wedding process is over, I think we both feel a sense of elation. Not just because we have married each other but because, quite frankly, it is finally over. Months of planning. Weeks of agonising. Days of teeth-grinding frustration, suddenly at an end. I could swear that I had fewer grey hairs at the beginning of this process. With the negotiations we have undertaken, the egos we have soothed, the compromises we have mapped out in order to create this wedding, we should now find it a matter of supreme ease to solve the Israel-Palestine conflict once and for all. The Sugarman Plan, coming to a Middle East near you

The term “Bridezilla” is often used but it’s frankly sexist and inaccurate. Instead, by the time of the week before my wedding, I was beginning to feel a bit like “Groomzilla”, a sort of cross between the Incredible Hulk and Eeyore. I alternated between rage and despair, as I fought back against the clutches of Big Wedding/The Marital-Industrial Complex/whatever you want to call it, attempting to find the answer to such deep and impenetrable mysteries such as “why does simply putting the word ‘wedding’ in front of an item occasion the adding of another zero to the price tag?” and “wouldn’t it just be much simpler to run off somewhere and elope?” Such questions clearly need the wisdom of the Sages to solve.

We were both so worried about the ten thousand little things which could go wrong. But in the end, the day itself was stunning. The venue, the decor, the ceremony, the people, the band - it was absolutely golden. Uncharacteristically, we found ourselves living in a haze for days afterwards, taking turns to murmur “wasn’t it all amazing?” Receiving the photographs a few days ago gave us the chance to experience it all over again, noticing the numerous details which we hadn’t managed to see at the time.