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It’s a piece of cake for Etgar winners

Winners of this year's inter-school writing and design contest are announced

July 17, 2020 15:28
Tali & Tia 2

BySimon Rocker, simon rocker

1 min read

Students from Immanuel College Preparatory School and Sacks Morasha proved the pick of the bunch in this year’s Etgar creative contests.

In the writing competition, the year-5 students had to imagine what Israel’s first Prime Minister David Ben Gurion might have said in his diary on a visit to the country today.

Winner Tilly Lobb from Immanuel “thoughtfully and creatively” explored B-G’s impressions of modern Israel, the judges said.

On one morning, she had him heading off to Tel Aviv “so I can relax at Frishman Beach! Maybe, I can even go to the statue of me doing a headstand”.