Family & Education

Hasmonean High moves closer to division into two schools

New multi-academy trust will be created in May to oversee changes

April 2, 2019 16:01
Image of Hasmonean redevelopment plan
1 min read

Hasmonean High School will launch a new multi-academy trust next month to oversee the formal division of its girls’ and boys’ branches into separate schools.

The demerger follows an Appeal Court ruling two years ago that boys and girls in a co-educational school must not be completely segregated.

Each school will have a governing body responsible for decisions affecting the curriculum and educational provision, while the MAT’s trust board will oversee compliance with education regulations.

Each school will also have its own admissions arrangements, Hasmonean headteacher Andrew McClusky notified parents on Tuesday.

The schools will be known as Hasmonean High School for Boys and Hasmonean High School for Girls.

The division into two schools has been approved by the Department for Education, Mr McClusky said, but final implementation awaited completion of the relevant legal papers.

Although the school was officially a single institution, boys have been educated on a site in Hendon, while the girls study in Mill Hill.

But governors are still hoping to proceed with a redevelopment plan which would relocate the boys to a new building next to the girls.