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Grammar is important, but don't be a snob

This week Susan Reuben reflects on the difference between being a grammar snob, and just a snob

December 14, 2017 10:51
Typo or a good excuse to see more pictures of cute animals?
3 min read

I am responsible for sending out email updates to members of the congregation I attend. Last year, I sent a message stating that, “Rabbit Chaim Weiner will lead a study session next week”.

Normally, I pride myself so much on my accurate English that even when I’m writing a text message I read it through before I send it, and quite often make minute adjustments and corrections. (I’m a wild person to have at a party, believe you me.)

So I was pretty embarrassed about having referred to the head of the Masorti Beth Din as a rabbit… But y’know, anyone can make a one-off mistake, and despite all the well-justified teasing I got, I regained my sense of linguistic dignity fairly quickly.

Until, that is, two months later when I sent out another email, this time saying that we were, “looking forward to a D’var Torah with Rabbit Daniel Goldfarb”.