Inspectors happy with progress at two London primaries
March 2, 2018 12:51Two London primaries have retained their ranking as good schools after recent visits from Ofsted.
Noam, a co-educational Orthodox independent school in Wembley, which is hoping to become state-aided, and the state-aided Progressive Akiva in Finchley were last inspected in 2013.
Noam children made good progress across the curriculum, the ablest pupils received challenging work and those who speak English as an additional language were well catered for, Ofsted said. Behaviour and personal development were outstanding.
But while an above-average proportion of children reached a good level of development by the end of their reception year, they had too little opportunity to cultivate writing skills.
The Kodesh (Jewish studies) programme was “strong and integrated well with the secular subjects”, said inspectors, who in particular noted respect for diversity and also “a good emphasis on caring for animals”.
Links with a Muslim school helped students appreciate religious diversity.
Chairman of Governors Shelley Kelaty said the report was “a fitting testament” to the dedication of former headteacher Sarah Simmonds, who left in January. Her successor, Chaya Posen, “has wasted no time in implementing her vision for the school’s future and Noam is buzzing with a new energy,” Mrs Kelaty said.
Akiva, which received a short inspection, was praised for its “strong ethos characterised by tolerance and responsibility”. Pupils were considerate and helpful to each other, worked hard and concentrated well in class.
Changes to the senior leadership made by headteacher Susy Stone had strengthened the team, Ofsted said.
Although a smaller proportion of middle-attaining students had made expected progress last year, improvements were already evident.
The school’s leaders had also carefully identified gaps in pupils’ phonics knowledge and the need to provide support in this earlier than in the past.