Family & Education

Funding boost for 'greatest school'

Mathilda Marks-Kennedy raises more than £300,000 for diamond jubilee campaign

March 6, 2020 10:15
Mathilda Marks-Kennedy children celebrate their school in video to mark its 60th anniversary
1 min read

Supporters of Mathilda Marks Kennedy School have given it something to celebrate for its diamond jubilee by raising more than £320,000 in 36 hours.

Richard Angel, a governor and member of the anniversary events team, was “ecstatic” at the response to the fundraising drive, which began on Sunday. “We’ve had 1,440 donors,” he said. “The school community came together to raise the money.”

The proceeds will be used for a new playground, a mental health and wellbeing sensory room, upgrading technology and improving classrooms.

The 60th anniversary campaign aims to “give the school a platform to grow and succeed for the next 10 years,” he said.

Events have so far included a breakfast and a tea for grandparents, while a video featuring the children of the Edgware-based primary champions “MMK — Greatest School”.