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From the cancer ward to a wedding dance

The best-selling novelist Sue Margolis was diagnosed with cancer in January. She wrote this last summer, just before her son’s wedding. Sue died this month

November 23, 2017 12:05
5 min read

I’m woken by a distant, heavily accented voice attempting to sing Moon River. The terrible singing gets closer. Now I can hear the chink and clunk of a trolley being wheeled in. Enter a small plump Filipina, her short back and sides do covered in a blue hairnet. She positions herself at the centre of the ward.

“OK,” she bellows. “Right hand up if you want porridge.”

This feels like an episode of Tenko with rolled oats.

Four of the six women on the cancer ward, me included, raise our hands. My neighbour in the next bed asks me what I think would happen if we raised our left hands by mistake.