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From fitness to housing, we help you map out the years ahead

Volunteering could start a new chapter in your life and open up a range of possibilities, with opportunities to learn new things, meet new people and take on some exciting tasks

July 11, 2018 13:52

ByRosalind Preston, Rosalind preston

3 min read

If life begins at 60, one has wasted a lot of time. Shall we instead say: “A new chapter in life begins at 60?” For example, when you retire from paid employment (you should be so lucky). Or when the children leave home, or when you become a grandparent? Or when you divorce and start dating again? Or when you become a serious volunteer? Or all of the above?

My mantra is “This life is not a rehearsal — it is the real thing”. Time is precious and must not be wasted. And so, what to do with the many years, we hope, we have to spend after the age of 60? Life expectancy nationally is now 77, but in our community it is perhaps around 80 to 85 years. The average age at present in Nightingale Hammerson is 90, with 10 per cent of the residents over the age of 100 and an entry age of around 89 years.

As a lifelong volunteer, I am going to spend a few moments talking about what volunteering has meant to me and what it has done for my life.

Being one of the last of the dinosaurs who did not go to university, did not work for a salary after I was married at the age of 22 and had children very young — and I have the good fortune to be married to a feminist — I acknowledge I may be one of a small minority, but nevertheless perhaps an example of what can be done with those precious years leading from youth to senior citizen status.