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Figures cast light on the number of Strictly Orthodox boys missing from the school system

There are seven times as many Charedi teenage girls in Jewish schools in Hackney as boys

July 4, 2019 13:58
(Getty Images)
1 min read

New government figures have cast light on the large number of Strictly Orthodox boys who appear to be missing from the school system.

There were 1,735 girls aged from 11 to 15 atttending registered Jewish schools full-time in Hackney, the London borough with the country’s largest Strictly Orthodox community, compared with a mere 256 boys, according to data recently released by the Department for Education.

The figures may not be comprehensive because some Charedi schools are not included in the latest set of data - but they nonetheless indicate the huge difference between girls and boys among the most traditional groups in Strictly Orthodox society.

Whereas girls commonly take a number of GCSEs at school, boys often go to yeshivah at 13, where they receive minimal or no secular education.