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Exam board will revise Israel textbook but rejects claims of bias

Board of Deputies and Zionist Federation had urged rewrite of textbook used for history course

January 14, 2020 14:06
The Pearson history textbook is entitled "The Middle East: Conflict, Crisis"
1 min read

An exam board has promised to change a textbook after Jewish organisations accused it of being slanted against Israel, though it rejected claims of overall bias.

Pearson, which runs the Edexcel board, has temporarily withdrawn books used for the Middle East unit in its GSCE and international GSCE history course.

The Board of Deputies had called for a “substantial rewrite” of the book on the Israeli-Palestinian dispute, Conflict, Crisis and Change: the Middle East, 1917-2012 by Hilary Brash, which was published by Pearson to accompany the iGCSE.

A similar book by the same author is used for the GCSE course, which covers the narrower period of 1945 to 1995.