Family & Education

The Etgar Quiz no 260

February 26, 2024 16:00
Etgar Israel beach.jpeg
illustration: Miki Shaw
1 min read

contains material not in Etgar handbook

1. Spot the odd one out:

a) trousers

b) breastplate

c) apron

d) boots

e) turban

2. You cannot save your life if the only way to do so is by:

a) breaking Shabbat

b) eating non-kosher food

c) stealing

d) ignoring your parents

e) worshipping idols

3. Which one of the following was founded earliest?

a) Rishon le Zion

b) Degania

c) Tel Aviv

d) Neve Tzedek

e) Kfar Saba

4. Who destroyed the Second Temple?

a) The Babylonians

b) The Romans

c) The Assyrians

d) The Amalekites

e) The Egyptians

5. Who wrote the short story Yentl?

a) Sholem Aleichem

b) Isaac Bashevis Singer

c) I.L. Peretz

d) Saul Bellow

e) Philip Roth

[Missing Credit]

6. What colour set does not exist in the Israeli game Taki?

a) purple

b) red

c) green

d) yellow

e) blue

Drag your mouse over the area below to reveal the answers

 Answers: 1d (the others are garments of the High Priest), 2e, 3a, 4b, 5b, 6a

