Try our weekly Jewish knowledge test
contains material not in Etgar Handbook
1) On what day of Shevat is Tu Bishvat, the New Year for Trees?
a) 12th
b) 13th
c) 15th
d) 23rd
e) 28th
2) Who was first to walk into the Reed Sea before it split?
a) Moses
b) Aaron
c) Miriam
d) Joshua
e) Nachshon
3) Bal tashchit is the commandment meaning:
a) do not waste
b) do not gossip
c) be kind to animals
d) plant trees in Israel
e) give to charity
4) Which of these Hebrew names means "tree"?
a) Ilanit
b) Shoshana
c) Netta
d) Yona
e) Gefen
[Image: tree]
5) Who was Jethro's son-in-law?
c) Joshua
d) Caleb
e) Gershom
6) On Tu Bishvat it has been traditional to eat a specified number of fruits. How many?
a) 3
b) 4
c) 10
d) 15
e) 18
[image: fruit]
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Answers 1c, 2e, 3a, 4a, 5a, 6d
Tu Bishvat