Family & Education

Etgar Quiz no 263

Try our Jewish knowledge test

March 17, 2024 09:00
Etgar Quiz Title.png
illustration: Miki Shaw
1 min read

contains material not in the Etgar Handbook

1) Which of these is not normally associated with havdalah?

a) a candle

b) singing

c) spices

d) wine

e) kiddush

2) Which month occurs twice in a leap year?

a) Tishri

b) Kislev

c) Shevat

d) Adar

e) Tammuz

3) Which Israeli town is by Lake Kineret?

a) Netanya

b) Tel Aviv

c) Tiberius

d) Haifa

e) Eilat

illustration: Miki Shaw[Missing Credit]

4) What guided the way of the children of Israel at night during the 40 years in the wilderness?

a) a pillar of cloud

b) a pillar of fire

c) the golden calf

d) the north star

e) the four angels

5) On the crown of the Kohen Gadol (High Priest) were the following words:

a) Hear O Israel

b) First Among Equals

c) I am the Lord Your God

d) The People of Israel Live

e) Holy to God

illustration: Miki Shaw[Missing Credit]

6) According to tradition, where is Rivka buried?

a) Hebron

b) Jerusalem

c) Tiberias

d) Beersheva

e) Nazereth

Drag your mouse over the area below to reveal the answers

 Answers: 1e, 2d, 3c, 4b, 5e, 6a

