Family & Education

Etgar Challenge Extra

Do you know the answer to these questions?


There was one test from last week’s Etgar Challenge where the winner was still to be announced. This week we can reveal that the best book cover for the Bible was produced by King David Manchester team A: with Menorah Foundation B second and Nancy Reuben B third.

The weekly Etgar quiz will resume in autumn but you may like to see if you know the answers to these questions — which proved to be some of the hardest among the 100 posed to participants in last week’s inter-schools contest.

1.Which fast falls closest to Shavuot?
a. Shivah Asar b’Tammuz
b. Tishah b’Av
c. Tzom Gedaliah
d. Asarah b’Tevet
e. Ta’anit Esther
2.Before the state of Israel was established, the Jewish army was called:
a. Tzahal
b. The Jewish Brigade
c. Haganah
d. Gurion
e. Palmach

 3.How many of the 12 tribes had an animal as their emblem?

a. five
b. six
c. seven
d. eight
e. nine

4.What do you get if you add the number of aliyot on Shabbat to the number of branches of the menorah and multiply the result by the number of minor prophets?

a. 156
b. 168
c. 182
d. 192
e. 210

Answers in this week's print edition of the JC

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