Giant vegetables are on this week's menu
April 23, 2021 09:13ByThe JC
contains material not in the Etgar Handbook
1. In which book of Tanach does the word “kosher” first appear?
a. Shemot
b. Vayikra
c. Devarim
d. Tehilim
e. Esther
2. Why did Nadav and Avihu die?
a. they brought a forbidden sacrifice
b. they slandered Moshe
c. they broke Shabbat
d. they started a rebellion
e. they blasphemed
3. The rules of shatnez prohibit:
a. eating fish and meat together
b. wearing a garment containing wool and linen
c. growing hybrid plants
d. farming unkosher animals
e. shaving or cutting hair during the Omer
4. Where was Theodor Herzl born?
a. Herzliya
b. Basel
c. Hungary
d. France
e. Poland
5. Which book in the Torah gives the primary account of the wanderings of Bnei Yisrael in the desert?
a. Bereshit
b. Shemot
c. Vayikra
d. Bamidbar
e. Devarim
6. In the Guinness Book of Records which vegetable that was the largest of its type was discovered in Israel
a. carrot
b. cucumber
c. tomato
d. pepper
e. mushroom
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Answers: 1e, 2a, 3b, 4c, 5d, 6d