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Drake, Torah and a missing Spurs kippah - teaching about Judaism in non-Jewish schools

Children enjoy learning about different faiths, says the founder of Judaism for Schools,

February 21, 2022 13:01
Ruth Jampel
5 min read

When Ruth Jampel goes into mainstream schools to talk about Judaism, she often starts by a showing a gallery of different Jewish faces. There’s one in particular that usually elicits a gasp of surprise: the American rapper, Drake.

“‘Drake’s Jewish?’ they say. It’s a big thing,” she says.

It’s a simple way to illustrate that diversity exists among Jews, just as it does among every group. Her gallery includes a picture of her Chasidic sister, beside a beshtreimelled husband.

For eight years since setting up her company Judaism for Schools, the itinerant teacher has been visiting schools across the capital and beyond to talk about Jewish custom and practice.

