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Family & Education

Don't worry, Gordon and Tana Ramsay, a big age gap between siblings is great

Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay and wife Tana are expecting their fifth child - 17 years after the birth of number four. Rina Wolfson has a similar age gap family, and she has some advice

January 9, 2019 15:53
3 min read

Gordon Ramsay and his wife Tana recently announced they’re expecting a baby. Mazeltov! I’m not one for celebrity tittle-tattle, but this story caught my eye because their four older children are aged between 21 and 17.
Now Tana hardly needs unsolicited parenting advice from a stranger. Nonetheless, I wish her good luck, because I know a bit about raising children with a large age gap.

My first child was born in 1997. My next two children, twin girls, arrived 14 years later. Essentially, I had just about reached the finishing line with my son, when I found myself right back at the beginning with my daughters.

A large age gap has its advantages. For starters, I was glad to have a mature young person around to help with the odd bit of childcare. (And which 15-year-old boy wouldn’t jump at the chance to interrupt his GCSE revision to mix a bottle of formula?)

But there were challenges too. Firstly, I was a significantly older mum. Having already raised one child, I figured I’d easily be able to do it again. Not so. Staying up all night with a colicky baby in my early 20s was a breeze. Doing it a few months shy of 40 almost broke me.