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Do we need a national curriculum for Jewish studies?

A group of educators recently drew up a framework for 'Jewish cultural literacy' in the UK - but how should it be followed up?

September 25, 2022 11:55
After Covid report
2 min read

“Who knows One?” goes the Seder table song — which is designed to engage children at the end of a long evening rather than test their knowledge.

But if you were actually trying to assess what children in our community know about Judaism and Jewish culture, it would not be so easy because there is no common benchmark.

One yardstick might be passes in GCSE or A-level religious studies and Hebrew, though the numbers of Jewish children taking A-level in these subjects is very low and they are set by bodies outside the Jewish community.

The Board of Deputies’ Jewish studies inspection service, Pikuach, evaluates each school according to the goals the school sets itself — not by any community-wide curriculum.