Family & Education

Didn’t make that A grade? Here’s plan B - a guide to Clearing

November 24, 2016 23:31
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ByAnonymous, Anonymous

1 min read

Last year 61,300 students found a university place through Clearing, so if your child didn’t get their predicted grades, there’s no need to panic.

While for many students yesterday’s A-level results would have been a time of celebration, for the students who were less successful in their exams it may have been an upsetting day, worrying about whether they have still been accepted into the university of their choice and feeling confused about what to do next.

“It’s important to reassure your child that, whatever happens, there is lots that they can do and there are always options available,” says Alex Neill of Which? University.

“It’s not a bad lesson to learn that at some points in life things don’t always end up panning out exactly as planned. What is important is the way they deal with the situation and how they move forward.”

As a parent you are one of the most trusted sources of information to your child so it’s important you understand what lies ahead. Yesterday, students who missed their grades would have been faced with a number of possible outcomes:

They narrowly missed their predicted grades

This will be disappointing — but they may still get an offer from their firm choice. They will need to check Ucas and see if their status has changed to “unconditional” or they’ve been offered a place on a different course. If they have missed out on their grades by just a few marks or if they intend to appeal against any grades, they may still be able to ask their firm choice to reconsider.

They met their insurance offer

Once their place is confirmed, they will be able to apply for student accommodation at their insurance university.

Their grades were much lower than predicted

Before they panic, they should check Ucas — as they may still have an offer from one of their chosen universities. If the university has not made a decision yet, they can phone them to discuss their situation.

If your teenager did not get the grades that they wanted, they could still apply for a new course through Clearing (see below). Clearing is the process by which universities and colleges fill the places they still have available on their courses.

The journey through Clearing

● Start the process

● Research courses and universities

● Prepare for the call

● Make the call

● Confirm their place

For more information on Clearing or how you and your child can prepare for university, see Which? University:

Listen to your reactions on A Level results day