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Family & Education

Children who ‘don’t fit in the box’ deserve better from us

Children with different learning needs should be able to enjoy a rich Jewish education, writes Michael S Cohen

March 12, 2020 13:10
Education consultant Michael S Cohen

ByMichael S Cohen, michael s cohen

2 min read

New friends who have never been around our Shabbat table before will be joining us on Friday night. We look forward to opening our home to them, but before they arrive there are numerous questions that need answering.

Do they know where we live? Do they have any dietary requirements? Is there something we need to know about them that we perhaps don’t know? Will there be any sensitive topics of conversation that would be best avoided?

These questions are important to us, as it’s our genuine desire for our visitors to feel comfortable in order to enjoy their Shabbat experience in our home. Putting social experiences aside, we live in a culture where it’s important to be seen to accommodate people’s needs.

But I question whether, as a community, we are doing that, when it comes to our Jewish children who don’t fit “inside the box”.