Family & Education

Chasidic school which teaches only religious studies in year-8 judged inadequate by Ofsted

Boys at Bobov Primary leave at 13 to go to yeshivah

February 9, 2022 18:25
1 min read

A Chasidic boys school in Stamford Hill where year-8 pupils only take religious studies has been judged inadequate by Ofsted for the third time in six years.

 Inspectors said the secular curriculum at the Bobov Primary which teaches boys up to 18 was too narrow and only English and mathematics were consistently available.

 From year eight, they only learn religious studies before going on to yeshivah.

 Ofsted said pupils missed out on learning in science, technology, PE and creative subjects as well as on enrichment activities and clubs.

 On the positive side, pupils are “respectful, well mannered and eager to do well” and respond well to high expectations of their behaviour and attendance. As a result of improvements made since the last visit by inspectors in 2019, more boys are able to read in English fluently.

Although boys have some knowledge of other faiths and cultures, this is too limited and the school does not cover all the required content in relationships education.

 Inspectors reported that their ability to gather evidence about safeguarding arrangements had been limited because they were able to speak only to pupils chosen by leaders on the basis of advance agreement from parents.

 Classrooms were generally found to be “tatty and clustered” although the special needs department offered a better environment.