Family & Education

Charedi schools continue to fall foul of Ofsted over non-teaching of LGBT issues

Inspectors say pupils need to be better prepared for life in modern Britain

January 20, 2022 14:55
Stamford Hill E981T6
E981T6 Orthodox Jews crossing the road in Stamford Hill, Hackney, London, UK
1 min read

Charedi schools are continuing to be penalised by Ofsted for not teaching about LGBT issues.

The quality of education at Tiferes, an independent girls’ secondary school in Hendon, was rated good in its latest inspection but overall the school received a lower ‘requires improvement’ grade.

While subjects were well planned, some students did not study the full curriculum including English literature, Ofsted said.

Leaders did “not provide sufficient information about some groups of people, for example those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans (LGBT) in their programme for relationships education”. They “should ensure that “pupils are more suitably prepared to appreciate the diversity of modern British society”.

Beis Hatalmud, a boys secondary school in Salford, which was ranked inadequate by Ofsted, failed to teach about some of the “protected characteristics” under equality law - which include same-sex orientation and gender reassignment.

Boys also did not understand “the law relating to sexual consent, exploitation and abuse,” Ofsted reported. “Instead, leaders have designed a separate programme that can be used for individuals on request. As a result, pupils are not as well prepared for life in modern Britain as they could be.”

Inspectors said the science, maths and English curricula were too narrow and by year 10, the only other subject studied apart from Jewish studies was English.